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Two methods for increasing when crocheting in the round, without using stitch markers

Deze tutorial is in het Engels, in mijn vorige post vind je de Nederlandse versie:

Two easy methods for increasing/crocheting in the round without using stitch markers. 

Okay, I'm definitely not a mathematical person, I always flunked my exams and in the end I dropped the lessons.

But hey, in a way, crocheting is mathematics too right? ðŸ˜‰

I'm a bit forgetful or lazy if it comes to stitch markers, so I thought of a system for myself. And I think it's quite useful, so I want to share it with you. Hope it benefits you too!

The thing is that you really don't need stitch markers if you know the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, hurray!

Method 1

The example was made with single crochets, but it also works for other stitches.

This is what you do:

Row 2: you crochet 2 single crochets in every single crochet, so the number or multiplication table you start with is 2.

Row 3: you crochet a third single crochet in every second stitch (1, 2)=3, so you use the multiplication table of 3.

Row 4: you crochet 2 single crochets in every third stitch (1, 1, 2)=4, so you use the multiplication table of 4.

Row 5: you increase in every 4th stitch (1, 1, 1, 2)=5, so you use the multiplication table of 5, etc, etc.

See, this sounds quite mathematical doesn't it? No need to panic now, I'll explain everything haha!

When you take a look at the tables below, you'll find the multiplication tables of 4, 5, 6, etc in the last column. So what is it that I do?

Example: I start with 4 single crochets, and I want to end up with a flat circle of 24, so I can make a flower with 6 leafs for example, then I start to count:

* In the 2nd row I crochet every stitch double, so it's the multiplication table of 2. The number I end up with is 8, because 4 x 2 = 8.

* In the 3rd row I count according to the multiplication table of 3, and I increase in the stitches that are mentioned in between the brackets until I end with 4 x 3 = 12:

1, (2,3); 4, (5,6); 7, (8,9); 10, (11,12).

* In the 4th row I count according to the multiplication table of 4. I increase in the 3rd stitch every time (makes 4 stitches) until I have 4 x 4 = 16 stitches:
1, 2, (3,
4); 5, 6, (7,8); 9, 10, (11,12); 13, 14, (15,16).
* In the 5th row I count according to the table of 5, so I increase in the 4th stitch every time (makes 5 stitches), until I end up with 4 x 5 = 20:
1, 2, 3, (4,
5); 6, 7, 8 (9,10); 11, 12, 13, (14,15); 16, 17, 18, (19,20).
* In the 6th row I increase in the 5th stitch (makes 6 stitches), until I have 4 x 6 = 24 stitches:
1, 2, 3, 4, (5,
6); 7, 8, 9, 10, (11,12); 13, 14, 15, 16, (17,18); 19, 20, 21, 22, (23,24).

It might be a bit awkward in company, but it helps to count out loud in the beginning, just like when you were learning the multiplication tables at school. Once you're getting used to my system you'll notice that it won't be necessary to count out loud any more. 

And if you do lose count, no worries!

When you are at the beginning of your row, you count the number of stitches of the previous row. So when it's 16 stitches, the next row will need to be 4 x 5 = 20 stitches (in this example).

When you are half way in your row, you count the amount of stitches in between the ones that are double. This way you'll know in which row you are, and how many stitches it will take before you need to increase again.

Row 1:             4

Row 2:             8

Row 3:             3          6          9         12

Row 4:             4          8         12        16

Row 5:             5         10        15        20

Row 6:             6         12        18        24

Row 7:             7         14        21        28

Row 8:             8         16        24        32

Row 9:             9         18        24        36

Row 10:          10         20        30        40

Row 11:          11         22        33        44

Row 12:          12         24        36        48

Row 13:          13         26        39        52

Row 14:          14         28        42        56

Row 15:          15         30        45        60


Row 1:             5

Row 2:            10

Row 3:             3          6          9        12        15

Row 4:             4          8        12        16        20

Row 5:             5        10        15        20        25

Row 6:             6        12        18        24        30

Row 7:             7        14        21        28        35

Row 8:             8        16        24        32        40

Row 9:             9        18        24        36        45

Row 10:           10       20       30        40        50

Row 11:           11       22       33        44        55

Row 12 :          12       24       36        48        60

Row 13:           13       26       39        52        65

Row 14:           14       28       42        56        70

Row 15:           15       30       45        60        75


Row 1:            6

Row 2:           12

Row 3:            3          6         9          12         15       18

Row 4:            4          8         12        16         20       24

Row 5:            5         10        15        20         25       30

Row 6:            6         12        18        24         30       36

Row 7:            7         14        21        28         35       42

Row 8:            8         16        24        32         40       48

Row 9:            9         18        24        36         45       54

Row 10:         10        20        30        40         50       60

Row 11:         11        22        33        44         55       66

Row 12 :        12        24        36        48         60       72

Row 13:         13        26        39        52         65       78

Row 14:         14        28        42        56         70       84

Row 15:         15        30        45        60         75       90


Row 1:            7

Row 2:          14

Row 3:            3          6          9         12        15        18        21

Row 4:            4          8         12        16        20        24        28

Row 5:            5         10        15        20        25        30        35

Row 6:            6         12        18        24        30        36        42                              

Row 7:            7         14        21        28        35        42        49                             

Row 8:            8         16        24        32        40        48        56

Row 9:            9         18        24        36        45        54        63

Row 10:         10        20        30        40        50        60        70                              

Row 11:         11        22        33        44        55        66        77

Row 12 :        12        24        36        48        60        72        84

Row 13:         13        26        39        52        65        78        91

Row 14:         14        28        42        56        70        84        98

Row 15:         15        30        45        60        75        90       105


Row 1:            8

Row 2:           16

Row 3:            3          6          9        12        15       18         21        24

Row 4:            4          8        12        16        20        24        28        32

Row 5:            5        10        15        20        25        30        35        40

Row 6:            6        12        18        24        30        36        42        48

Row 7:            7        14        21        28        35        42        49        56

Row 8:            8        16        24        32        40        48        56        64

Row 9:            9        18        24        36        45        54        63        72

Row 10:         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

Row 11:         11        22        33        44        55        66        77        88

Row 12 :        12        24        36        48        60        72        84        96

Row 13:         13        26        39        52        65        78        91       104

Row 14:         14        28        42        56        70        84        98       112

Row 15:         15        30        45        60        75        90       105       120


Row 1:            9

Row 2:           18

Row 3:            3          6          9         12        15        18        21        24        27

Row 4:            4          8         12        16        20        24        28        32        36

Row 5:            5         10        15        20        25        30        35        40        45

Row 6:            6         12        18        24        30        36        42        48        54

Row 7:            7         14        21        28        35        42        49        56        63

Row 8:            8         16        24        32        40        48        56        64        72

Row 9:            9         18        24        36        45        54        63        72        81

Row 10:         10         20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90

Row 11:         11         22        33        44        55        66        77        88        99

Row 12 :        12         24        36        48        60        72        84        96       108

Row 13:         13         26        39        52        65        78        91       104       117

Row 14:         14         28        42        56        70        84        98       112       126

Row 15:         15         30        45        60        75        90       105      120       135

Row 1:          10

Row 2:          20

Row 3:            3          6          9          12        15        18        21        24        27        30

Row 4:            4          8          12        16        20        24        28        32        36        40

Row 5:            5          10        15        20        25        30        35        40        45        50

Row 6:            6          12        18        24        30        36        42        48        54        60

Row 7:            7          14        21        28        35        42        49        56        63        70

Row 8:            8          16        24        32        40        48        56        64        72        80

Row 9:            9          18        24        36        45        54        63        72        81        90

Row 10:         10          20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90        100

Row 11:         11          22        33        44        55        66        77        88        99        110

Row 12 :        12          24        36        48        60        72        84        96       108       120

Row 13:         13          26        39        52        65        78        91       104      117       130

Row 14:         14          28        42        56        70        84        98       112      126       140

Row 15:         15          30        45        60        75        90       105       120      135       150


Row 1:          12

Row 2:          24

Row 3:            3          6          9          12        15        18        21        24        27        30        33        36

Row 4:            4          8          12        16        20        24        28        32        36        40        44        48

Row 5:            5          10        15        20        25        30        35        40        45        50        55        60

Row 6:             6         12        18        24        30        36        42        48        54        60        66        72

Row 7:            7          14        21        28        35        42        49        56        63        70        77        84

Row 8:            8          16        24        32        40        48        56        64        72        80        88        96

Row 9:            9          18        24        36        45        54        63        72        81        90        99        108

Row 10:         10         20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120

Row 11:         11         22        33        44        55        66        77        88        99       110       121       132

Row 12 :        12         24        36        48        60        72        84        96       108       120       132       144

Row 13:         13         26        39        52        65        78        91      104       117       130       143       156

Row 14:         14         28        42        56        70        84        98      112       126       140       154       168

Row 15:         15         30        45        60        75        90      105      120       135       150       165       180

I don't think you'll ever make a circle with 11 stitches, so I left it out.

When you need to make rows with more stitches, you can add more to the list with multiplication tables of 16, 17, 18, etc. 

The last column is the multiplication of the number of stitches that you started with.

In the same example: you started with 4 stitches, so in row 16 you'll end with 4 x 16 = 64 stitches and in row 17 with 4 x 17 = 68 stitches, etc.

You could copy the scheme that you're working with, or print it out, and then cross the numbers that you've done so far, if you find that easier.

Method 2

Same example, starting with 4 stitches:
If you start each row with a chain, of course you can also count till 4 every time (in row 4 that is), and then crochet stitch 3 and 4 in the same stitch, and in row 5 count till 5 every time and then crochet stitch 4 and 5 in the same stitch, etc.
You know you've done it right when you need to crochet two stitches in the last stitch of the previous row. Isn't that nifty?!

I hope you can use my scheme, and of course I would love to hear about it from you, here or on Insta or Pinterest!

Have fun crocheting, x Maartje


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